
  • Photo of Sir Jonathan Bate

    Sir Jonathan Bate

    Professor of English, University of Oxford. Metamorphosis and Sustainability from Ovid and Lucretius to the Renaissance

  • Photo of Lara Bovilsky

    Lara Bovilsky

    Associate Professor of English, University of Oregon. Becoming Brute: Golding’s Ovid, Bryskett’s Dogs and Human Exceptions

  • Photo of Marco Formisano

    Marco Formisano

    Professor of Classics, Ghent University. Ovid’s Gala. The Earth, the Middle and the Muddle in the “Metamorphoses”

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    Sandra Fluhrer

    Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. “Who can impress the forest?” Terranean deployments in Ovid and Shakespeare

  • Photo of  Emily Gowers

    Emily Gowers

    Professor of Classics, University of Cambridge. Are Trees Really Like People?

  • Photo of Miranda Griffin

    Miranda Griffin

    Lecturer of French and Modern & Medieval Languages, University of Cambridge. The World in an Egg: Reading Medieval Ecologies

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    Eleanor Kaufman

    Professor of Comparative Literature, English, and French and Francophone Studies, UCLA. Classifying Stones

  • Photo of Lesley Kordecki

    Lesley Kordecki

    Professor of English, DePaul University. Ovid’s Deconstruction of the Chain: Metaphoric Hybridity in Chaucer and Shakespeare

  • Photo of Peggy McCracken

    Peggy McCracken

    Professor of Humanities, University of Michigan. The Feelings of Things: Animism, Ecology, and Phaethon’s Crash

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    Francesca Martelli

    Associate Professor of Classics, UCLA. Roman “Fasti” and Multispecies’ Temporalities in Ovid’s “Metamorphoses”

  • Photo of Mark Payne

    Mark Payne

    Professor of Classics, University of Chicago. Ancient Aliens: Biotechnology, Slavery, and the Greeks in H.P. Lovecraft’s “At the Mountains of Madness”

  • Photo of Giulia Sissa

    Giulia Sissa

    Distinguished Professor of Classics and Political Science, UCLA. The Fluidity of Life in Ovid’s Metamorphic World

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    Diana Spencer

    Professor of Classics, University of Birmingham. Language, Life and Metamorphosis in Ovid’s Roman Backstory

  • Photo of Bronwen Wilson

    Bronwen Wilson

    Professor of Art History, UCLA. Lithic Images, Jacopo Ligozzi, and the “Descrizione del Sacro Monte della Vernia” (1612)