Collin Moat

Collin Moat received his B.A. in Classics and History from St. Olaf College (2013) and his M.A. in Classics, emphasis in Classical Philology, from the University of Arizona (2018). His M.A. thesis “Changes Over Night: An Analysis of the Aftermath of Mons Graupius in Tacitus’ Agricola” explored how the presence of agricultural imagery allows readers to interpret the chilling description of the aftermath of Mons Graupius as consistent with the encomiastic goal of the Agricola. At CAMWS he has presented papers that have analyzed Pan’s mirroring of the montane landscape in the Homeric Hymn to Pan and Juvenal’s warping of Anchises’ “Parade of Heroes” into his own “Parade of Travesties” in Satire III.
Presently, Collin is interested in exploring Greek and Roman literature via ecocritical approaches, especially parsing how the non-human is valued in Homeric epic. He also enjoys delving into questions about ancient craftspeople and technology, material evidence for ancient ideas about environment, historical linguistics, and classical reception in the 21st century.