Doug Fraleigh



  • B.A. in Philosophy and Classical Languages, University of California, Berkeley, 2008
  • M.A. in Classics, UCLA, 2011


  • Ancient drama (especially Old Comedy)
  • Greek dialects
  • Greek and Latin sociolinguistics
  • Metre
  • Social history and historiography.


  • “Rethinking Dactylo-Epitrite in Euripides’ Medea.” To be delivered at the annual meeting of the SCS, San Francisco, 2016.
  • “Class and the Aulularia: Megadorus’ Criticism of uxores dotatae.” CAMWS Annual Meeting, Boulder, 2015.
  • Panel Respondent, “Bodies in Revolt: Erotics, Metaphor, and Materiality in the Ancient World.”  UCLA Graduate Student Conference, 2015.
  • “Playing the Greek in Plautine Rome.” CAPN Annual Meeting, Eugene, 2013.